Mestre Bimba - A iúna é Mandingueira

Mestre Bimba
Song Name: A iúna é Mandingueira
By: Mestre Bimba
Country: Brazil
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Not available
Link to buy: Not available
Genre: folk music of Brazil , Brazilian folk music , berimbau , capoeira
Date Added: 05 Nov 2016
Martha J. Fernández

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A iúna é Mandingueira by Mestre Bimba is part of folk music tradition in/by Brazil. Folk Music of Brazil is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with A iúna é Mandingueira (or folk music of Brazil), other than checking Brazil you can also check music of Angola, Czech Republic and Austria. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Manoel dos Reis Machado was born on 23rd November 1899, in the neighbourhood of Brotas, Engenho Velho, in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, the son of Luis Candido Machado, batuque artist, and Dona Maria Martinha do Bonfim. His capoeira name, Mestre Bimba, arose from a bet between his mother and the midwife as to whether he would be a boy or a girl. Being a boy, he had a Bimba, referring to his masculine genital organs.
Feeling that capoeira was losing its characteristics, he, possessing a creative spirit and great intelligence, decided to create a particular method, known today as Regional Baiana. Excellent practitioner of capoeria and intimate with Batuque (ancient art of fighting now disused), Mestre Bimba became the great name of capoeira, being the image itself of the fight. ( From )

Song: A iúna é Mandingueira
Artist: Mestre Bimba

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