Julio Jaramillo - Nuestro Juramento

Julio Jaramillo
Song Name: Nuestro Juramento
By: Julio Jaramillo ( Julio Jaramillo )
Country: Ecuador
Song Local Name: Nuestro Juramento
Album: Nuestro Juramento / Arrepentida
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: Ecuadorian folk music , traditional Ecuadorian music
Date Added: 21 Sep 2019
John Lee

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Nuestro Juramento by Julio Jaramillo is part of folk music tradition in/by Ecuador. Folk Music of Ecuador is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Nuestro Juramento (or folk music of Ecuador), other than checking Ecuador you can also check music of Peru and Bolivia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Julio Alfredo Jaramillo Laurido was a notable Ecuadorian singer and recording artist who performed throughout Latin America, achieving great fame for his renditions of boleros, valses, pasillos, tangos, and rancheras. Having recorded more than 4,000 songs throughout his career, his most famous song was and is "Nuestro Juramento" well known throughout all South America. He is considered to be one of the most beloved singers of Ecuador, even before Gerardo Moran, Maximo Escaleras, and many other talents. (~Wikipedia)

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