Janusz Prusinowski Trio - Meadow Mazurka

Janusz Prusinowski Trio
Song Name: Meadow Mazurka
By: Janusz Prusinowski Trio ( Janusz Prusinowski Trio )
Country: Poland
Song Local Name: Mazurek Łąkowy
Album: Mazurki
Link to buy: Empik
Genre: folk music of Poland , traditional music of Poland , Polish folk music , traditional , world , etno
Date Added: 27 Mar 2020

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Meadow Mazurka by Janusz Prusinowski Trio is part of folk music tradition in/by Poland. Folk Music of Poland is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Meadow Mazurka (or folk music of Poland), other than checking Poland you can also check music of Czech Republic. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

"It's not even the rubato, but an ancient language, common to people and... birds. I remember one daybreak in the forrest nearby Rdzów. I was awoken by a birds' concert, and after a while I was listening to Jan Ciarkowski and Piotr Gaca playing. 'There is no essential difference' – I thought then, and I still think it's true." (J. Prusinowski)
fiddle, frame drum, folk bass and flute are presenting one of the traditional Mazurek from central Poland

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