Mohammad Reza Shajarian - Razme moshtarak

Mohammad Reza Shajarian
Song Name: Razme moshtarak
By: Mohammad Reza Shajarian ( محمد رضا شجریان )
Country: Iran
Song Local Name: رزم مشترک
Album: Chavosh 7
Link to buy: iTunes
Genre: traditional music of Iran , Persian classical traditional music , bayāt-e esfahān , ney , nay , tar , tonbak
Date Added: 27 Oct 2016

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Razme moshtarak by Mohammad Reza Shajarian is part of folk music tradition in/by Iran. Folk Music of Iran is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Razme moshtarak (or folk music of Iran), other than checking Iran you can also check music of Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Mohammad Reza Shajarian is master of Persian traditional music singing. Through many years he has hundreds of recording and he is internationaly knows in many countries. Razme moshtarak is one of his well-known songs in Iran. The lyrics of this song is by Barzin Azarmehr. The song is in "Bayāt-e Esfahān" mood which is one of the moods of the Persian traditional classical music. Iranian instruments which used in this song are nei, tonbak and tar.

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