Urkumanda - Piñan Urku

Song Name: Piñan Urku
By: Urkumanda
Country: Ecuador
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Muskuy
Link to buy: Amazon
Genre: folk music of Ecuador , Andean music , Ecuadorian folk music , Yumbo
Date Added: 13 Nov 2021
John Lee
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Piñan Urku by Urkumanda is part of folk music tradition in/by Ecuador. Folk Music of Ecuador is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Piñan Urku (or folk music of Ecuador), other than checking Ecuador you can also check music of Peru and Bolivia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Urkumanda is a band led by Ati Cachimuel, Kichwa musician from Otavalo. This project was born with the purpose of investigating and reinterpreting the traditional music of the Andes. The constant search to reflect a current sound of the Andean, has led this band to experiment with different formats of instrumentation, as well as to summon members of different musical tendencies and different ethnicities of Ecuador. In this way, Urkumanda represents an ancient culture that transcends and adapts over time, using music as a tool for social transformation.

Piñan Urku de Urkumanda is a traditional rhythm called Yumbo. The Yumbo is a dance native to the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador that was performed in hunting and fishing activities for the subsistence of the Amazonian communities. With the commercial relationship that formerly existed between the inhabitants of the jungle and the Andean highlands, the Yumbo reached the Kichwa communities of Ecuador, adapting and taking on new peculiarities in the interpretation, instrumentation and ritual character. Piñan Urku is a Yumbo from the province of Imbabura.

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