Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer - Ravi

Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer
Song Name: Ravi
By: Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer
Country: Papua New Guinea
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang / Windim Mabu
Link to buy: Kudos Records
Genre: folk music of Papua New Guinea , traditional music of Papua New Guinea , Melanesia folk music
Date Added: 01 Nov 2016
Martha J. Fernández

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Ravi by Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer is part of folk music tradition in/by Papua New Guinea. Folk Music of Papua New Guinea is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Ravi (or folk music of Papua New Guinea), other than checking Papua New Guinea you can also check music of Oceania. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Recorded by Ragnar Johnson and Jessica Mayer in 1976. From the Papua New Guinea north coast, the music is played on large-bore bamboo flutes that are side blown and almost 6 feet long. The flutes are always played in pairs (male and female). The flutists play continuous notes, alternating tones, back and forth almost like a jazz blowing session from the 1940s. The music is used for male initiation ceremonies and is sacred, intense, and spiritual.

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