Benoît Quersin Recordings - Chant Ekomba

Benoît Quersin Recordings
Song Name: Chant Ekomba
By: Benoît Quersin Recordings
Country: Congo
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Zaïre - Polyphonies Mongo
Link to buy: Ocora France / Amazon
Genre: folk music of Zaire , Congo , Mongo people , polyphonic chant
Date Added: 09 Nov 2016
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Chant Ekomba by Benoît Quersin Recordings is part of folk music tradition in/by Congo. Folk Music of Congo is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Chant Ekomba (or folk music of Congo), other than checking Congo you can also check music of Gabon. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Performers: Women Kutshu Of The Etata Village.

Recordings made by Benoit Quersin in the Democratic Repblic of Congo during the months April and May in 1970. This region is near the Equator in an area between Lake Tumba and the village Itipo. The population in the area around the lake consist of Ntomba and furteher away of the Ekonda, there are also a number of Batwa of pygmy origin. The lanscape is flat and almost entirely covered by large equatorial forest.
The Ekonda like most inhabitants of the central Congolese basin belong to the Mongo group and have very similar cultures. Here are some of the most enjoyable vocal polyphony recorded from this region that I know of, not only musically but also with regards to ambiance and atmosphere.

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