Kaciaryna Ryžuk - Šeść zahadok (Six riddles)

Kaciaryna Ryžuk
Song Name: Šeść zahadok (Six riddles)
By: Kaciaryna Ryžuk ( Кацярына Рыжук )
Country: Belarus
Song Local Name: Шэсьць загадок
Album: Šeść zahadok
Link to buy: Bandcamp
Genre: Belarusian folk music , Belarusian traditional music , Belarusian ethnic music
Date Added: 11 Nov 2016

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Šeść zahadok (Six riddles) by Kaciaryna Ryžuk is part of folk music tradition in/by Belarus. Folk Music of Belarus is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Šeść zahadok (Six riddles) (or folk music of Belarus), other than checking Belarus you can also check music of Russia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Šeść zahadok (Six riddles) song is part of EP by Vuraj neo-folk band.
For the first time Vuraj releases their studio versions along with the originals performed by old women of West Palessie. Šeść zahadok is one of them.

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