Maçkalı Hasan Tunç - Divâne Âşık Gibi

Maçkalı Hasan Tunç
Song Name: Divâne Âşık Gibi
By: Maçkalı Hasan Tunç
Country: Turkey
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Divâne Âşık Gibi
Link to buy: Kalan Müzik (iTunes)
Genre: folk music of Turkey , traditional music of Turkey , Turkish folk music , black sea music , karadeniz , kemençe , Trabzon
Date Added: 01 Dec 2016

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Divâne Âşık Gibi by Maçkalı Hasan Tunç is part of folk music tradition in/by Turkey. Folk Music of Turkey is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Divâne Âşık Gibi (or folk music of Turkey), other than checking Turkey you can also check music of Iran, Greece and Iraq. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Hasan Tunç (1912-1986), known as "Maçkalı Hasan", was a singer, songwriter and kemenche player from the city of Trabzon by the south coast of Black Sea on north of Turkey. The stringed bowed musical instrument that he plays is a special type of kemanche known as Black Sea kemanche (Karadeniz kemençesi). This song is one of the most famous songs from that region, played by numerous musicians.

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