Talal Maddah - Zaman Al Samt

Talal Maddah
Song Name: Zaman Al Samt
By: Talal Maddah ( طلال مداح )
Country: Saudi Arabia
Song Local Name: كتبت اسمك على صوتي--حبيبي يا حبيبي) زمان الصمت)
Album: Zaman Al Samt
Link to buy: iTunes
Genre: folk music of Saudi Arabia , traditional music of Saudi Arabia , Khaliji music , Saudi Arabian folk music
Date Added: 10 Dec 2016

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Zaman Al Samt by Talal Maddah is part of folk music tradition in/by Saudi Arabia. Folk Music of Saudi Arabia is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Zaman Al Samt (or folk music of Saudi Arabia), other than checking Saudi Arabia you can also check music of Arabic countries in Persian Golf. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Talal Maddah (1940–2000) was a well-known Saudi musician and composer. He was named Maddah after his mother's family. His fans coined him the nickname the Earth's voice (Arabic: صوت الارض), and he is also known as "The Golden Throat" (Arabic: الحنجرة الذهبية). His artistic excellence won him an immense influence over 20th century-Arabian culture. This song also known with these names too: "Ketebet Ismek aala Souti" and "Habibi Habibi"

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