Coope, Boyes & Simpson - Cold Coast Of Iceland/Three Ships

Coope, Boyes & Simpson
Song Name: Cold Coast Of Iceland/Three Ships
By: Coope, Boyes & Simpson
Country: Iceland
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Rough Guide To English Folk
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: olk music of Iceland , traditional music of Iceland , Icelandic folk music , rímur , chant
Date Added: 04 Sep 2017
John Lee Wood

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Cold Coast Of Iceland/Three Ships by Coope, Boyes & Simpson is part of folk music tradition in/by Iceland. Folk Music of Iceland is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Cold Coast Of Iceland/Three Ships (or folk music of Iceland), other than checking Iceland you can also check music of Northern Europe. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Coope Boyes and Simpson are an English vocal folk trio, formed around 1990. Their sound is rich and often has unusual vocal harmonies. The group comprises singers Barry Coope, Jim Boyes (formerly of Swan Arcade) and Lester Simpson, and almost all of their music is sung entirely a cappella, although they have occasionally used accordion, guitar and drums very sparingly on recordings.

Song: Cold Coast Of Iceland/Three Ships
Album: Rough Guide To English Folk
Artist: Coope, Boyes & Simpson

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