Ali Akbar Moradi - Maqam-e Majnuni

Ali Akbar Moradi
Song Name: Maqam-e Majnuni
By: Ali Akbar Moradi ( علی اکبر مرادی )
Country: Kurdish People
Song Local Name: مقام مجنونی
Album: The Ritual Maqam of the Yarsan
Genre: Iranian Kurds music , kurdish folk music , ancient maqams of tanbur , Kermanshahan , Gahwareh , Yarsan , tanboor , tanbour
Date Added: 31 Dec 2016
Auto play next: Hejrani by Taher Yarveysi

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Maqam-e Majnuni by Ali Akbar Moradi is part of folk music tradition in/by Kurdish People. Folk Music of Kurdish People is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Maqam-e Majnuni (or folk music of Kurdish People), other than checking Kurdish People you can also check music of Iran, Turkey, Iraq ,Syria and Armenia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Ali Akbar Moradi (born 1957) is an Iranian Kurdish musician, tanboor (tanbur/tanbour) virtuoso and composer. He was born in Gahwareh, Kermanshah Province, Iran. Yarsanism is a heterodox religious current of Sufism established around the 11th century. Its community lives mainly in the Iranian Kurdistan (province of Kermanshah and north of Lorestan). The Kurdish maqam (which differs from the Eastern Arab, Turkish, and Persian forms) is a modal piece for tanbur, a long-necked lute, and voice. Lyrics are taken from sacred poems. Maqams are exclusively performed in religious ceremonies such as the jam, are meant to be heard only by initiates, and have been transmitted from generation to generation by the oral tradition for centuries.

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