Dahmane El-Harrachi - Ya Rayah

Dahmane El-Harrachi
Song Name: Ya Rayah
By: Dahmane El-Harrachi ( دحمان الحرّاشي )
Country: Algeria
Song Local Name: يا رايح
Album: Le Chaabi, volume 1
Link to buy: Not available
Genre: Algerian folk music , folk music of Algeria , traditional music of Algeria , chaabi music , Algerian chaâbi
Date Added: 16 Feb 2018

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Ya Rayah by Dahmane El-Harrachi is part of folk music tradition in/by Algeria. Folk Music of Algeria is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Ya Rayah (or folk music of Algeria), other than checking Algeria you can also check music of Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Dahmane El-Harrachi (1926–1980), was an Algerian chaâbi singer of Chaoui origin. His song "Ya Rayah" made him the so famous. After that this song has been performed by numerous artists and became a global chaabi anthem.

Originally from the Casbah, the music known as chaabi belongs to a tradition of recent origin. It emerged during the 1930s, and has lost none of its power of attraction up to the present time.Inspired by vocal traditions of Arab, Andalusian music using its modes and rhythms. Chaabi means 'of the people', and it's very definitely the people's music, even in a country where Raï rules.

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