Otto & The Mutapa Calling - Gandanga

Otto & The Mutapa Calling
Song Name: Gandanga
By: Otto & The Mutapa Calling ( Otto & The Mutapa Calling )
Country: Zimbabwe
Song Local Name: Gandanga
Album: Mvura Ichanaya
Genre: marimba , shona , folk music of Zimbabwe , traditional music of Zimbabwe , liberation struggle , freedom fighter
Date Added: 13 Feb 2019

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Gandanga by Otto & The Mutapa Calling is part of folk music tradition in/by Zimbabwe. Folk Music of Zimbabwe is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Gandanga (or folk music of Zimbabwe), other than checking Zimbabwe you can also check music of Zambia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Gandanga is a song that arose during the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe. Some of the freedom fighters would seek refuge in the villages expecting to be fed. When the villagers gave them scraps to eat, they would sing, "freedom fighters do not eat okra, otherwise they will go mad" - demanding proper food. It’s important to remember that when people fight for our cause, we must take care of them in return. Equally so, when you put yourself forward to fight for a cause for your people, do so knowing your reward can only truly be the achievement of that cause.

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