Vaavu Keyodhoo Rahvehi Club - Adhu loabeege vedhumey dhannava

Vaavu Keyodhoo Rahvehi Club
Song Name: Adhu loabeege vedhumey dhannava
By: Vaavu Keyodhoo Rahvehi Club
Country: Maldives
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Maldivian Traditional Music from V.Keyodhoo
Link to buy: iTunes
Genre: folk music of Maldives , maldivian traditional music
Date Added: 18 Feb 2017

Maldivian Traditional Music from V.Keyodhoo is part of a special project for Asasi Records with the sole objective of paying tribute to gifted yet unrecognized artists of traditional music in the Maldives history.
This recording was made in 2012 in the island of V.Keyodhoo on 22nd and 23rd June.

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