Shoista Mullojonova - Ba Dilbar

Shoista Mullojonova
Song Name: Ba Dilbar
By: Shoista Mullojonova ( Шоиста Муллоҷонова )
Country: Tajikistan
Song Local Name: با دلبر
Album: East Of The Urals - Folk Music Of Siberia And Central Asia
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: folk music of Tajikistan , Tajik folk music , traditional music of Tajikistan , shashmaqam
Date Added: 19 Feb 2017

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Ba Dilbar by Shoista Mullojonova is part of folk music tradition in/by Tajikistan. Folk Music of Tajikistan is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Ba Dilbar (or folk music of Tajikistan), other than checking Tajikistan you can also check music of Iran and Central Asia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Shushana Rubinovna Mullodzhanova, was a renowned Tajik-born Bukharian Jewish Shashmakom singer. In Tajikistan she is known as "Queen of Tajik music, "Queen of Shashmakom Music", "Daughter of Tajikistan" and "Nightingale of the East".
"Ba Dilbar" means "To My Sweetheart".

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