Pauli Räsänen - Ieva's Polka

Pauli Räsänen
Song Name: Ieva's Polka
By: Pauli Räsänen ( Pauli Räsänen )
Country: Finland
Song Local Name: Ievan Polkka
Album: Pauli Räsänen & Humppa-Veikot
Link to buy: Not available
Genre: folk music of Finland , traditional music of Finland , Finnish folk music
Date Added: 09 Aug 2019
Mykola Kamenev
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Ieva's Polka by Pauli Räsänen is part of folk music tradition in/by Finland. Folk Music of Finland is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Ieva's Polka (or folk music of Finland), other than checking Finland you can also check music of Norway, Sweden, Lithuania and Russia. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

First performed commercially by Eino Kettunen in the 1930s, this song was popularized the world over by the Finnish group Loituma with an a cappella version (not featured here). The song's origins are unknown, but it bears musical similarities to the Savitaipaleen Polkka of Southern Karelia (to the point where some in that region do not distinguish between the two). The song itself describes the nighttime adventure of a young man named Ieva who wanders into the forest and discovers a festival where everyone dances the polka. The lyrics are in an Eastern Savonian dialect of Finnish which can be unintelligible to some speakers of other dialects.

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