Dominguinhos e Chico Buarque - Olha Isso Aqui Tá Muito Bom

Dominguinhos e Chico Buarque
Song Name: Olha Isso Aqui Tá Muito Bom
By: Dominguinhos e Chico Buarque ( Dominguinhos e Chico Buarque )
Country: Brazil
Song Local Name: Olha Isso Aqui Tá Muito Bom
Album: Isso Aqui Tá Bom Demais
Link to buy: Not available
Genre: folk music of Brazil , Brazilian folk music , traditional music of Brazil , Forró
Date Added: 11 Aug 2019
Yuri Bonilha
Auto play next: O Violeiro by Elomar

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Olha Isso Aqui Tá Muito Bom by Dominguinhos e Chico Buarque is part of folk music tradition in/by Brazil. Folk Music of Brazil is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Olha Isso Aqui Tá Muito Bom (or folk music of Brazil), other than checking Brazil you can also check music of Angola, Czech Republic and Austria. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Dominguinhos foi um cantor e compositor brasileiro.

Esta versão tem a participação especial de Chico Buarque.

Está música é um tradicional forró arrasta-pé muito tocado em Festas Juninas no Brasil.


Dominguinhos was a Brazilian singer and songwriter.

This version has the special participation of Chico Buarque.

This song is a traditional forró arrasta-pé very played in Festas Juninas in Brazil.

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