Carlos Núñez Muñoz - Alborada De Veiga - Muiñeira De Chantada

Carlos Núñez Muñoz
Song Name: Alborada De Veiga - Muiñeira De Chantada
By: Carlos Núñez Muñoz
Country: Spain
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Carlos Núñez En Concert
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: Galician folk music , folk music of Galicia , folk music of Spain , traditional music of Spain , Spanish folk music , Muiñeira , Xota e Maneo , Galician Bagpipe
Date Added: 18 Aug 2019

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Alborada De Veiga - Muiñeira De Chantada by Carlos Núñez Muñoz is part of folk music tradition in/by Spain. Folk Music of Spain is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Alborada De Veiga - Muiñeira De Chantada (or folk music of Spain), other than checking Spain you can also check music of North Africa and Southern Europe. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Music from Galicia: Galicia, the most Northwestern region, placed at the North of Portugal has its own dances and rhythms called Muiñeira, Xota e Maneo. The first two types are danced separately in two lines of people facing one each other, with basically three parts, paseo , punto e roda ( walking, step and round) and the third type is danced in couples. The typical instruments are the galician bagpipe( different than the Scotrish and Irish) check the iconic player Carlos Nuñez, accordion, drums and tambourines.

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