Tlen Huicani - La Bruja

Tlen Huicani
Song Name: La Bruja
By: Tlen Huicani ( Tlen Huicani )
Country: Mexico
Song Local Name: La Bruja
Album: Veracruz Son y Huapango
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: folk music of Mexico , traditional music of Mexico , Mexican folk music , Jarocho
Date Added: 22 Aug 2019
Yuri Bonilha

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La Bruja by Tlen Huicani is part of folk music tradition in/by Mexico. Folk Music of Mexico is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with La Bruja (or folk music of Mexico), other than checking Mexico you can also check music of South America. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Tlen-Huicani es un grupo de música folclórica de Xalapa-Enríquez, en Veracruz, México formado en 1973. Tlen-Huicani es un vocablo náhuatl que significa "Los Cantores".

'La Bruja' es una canción tradicional popular del estado de Veracruz, México. Hay varios cuentos y leyendas en México y uno de esos es el cuento de la 'Bruja', quien tal vez se puede comparar con la leyenda del vampiro 'Dracula' (hecho famoso por Bram Stoker). La bruja es una criatura sobrenatural que chupa/bebe la sangre de sus victimas. La Bruja también es un baile tradicional del estado de Veracruz, la victima en la canción es seducido por la bruja. El baile consiste de un vaso o vela puesto sobre las cabezas de las bailarinas.
Tlen-Huicani is a folk music group from Xalapa-Enríquez, in Veracruz, Mexico formed in 1973. Tlen-Huicani is a Nahuatl word meaning "Los Cantores".

'La Bruja' is a popular traditional song from the state of Veracruz, Mexico. There are several tales and legends in Mexico and one of those is the story of the 'Witch', who perhaps can be compared with the legend of the vampire 'Dracula' (made famous by Bram Stoker). The witch is a supernatural creature that sucks / drinks the blood of her victims. La Bruja is also a traditional dance from the state of Veracruz, the victim in the song is seduced by the witch. The dance consists of a glass or candle placed on the heads of the dancers.

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