Rene Marino Rivero - El choclo

Rene Marino Rivero
Song Name: El choclo
By: Rene Marino Rivero
Country: Uruguay
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: Traditional Music of the World, Vol. 5: Bandoneon Pure - Dances of Uruguay
Link to buy: iTunes
Genre: folk music of Uruguay , traditional music of Uruguay , tango , bandoneon
Date Added: 04 Mar 2017
Rocio Alvarez

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El choclo by Rene Marino Rivero is part of folk music tradition in/by Uruguay. Folk Music of Uruguay is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with El choclo (or folk music of Uruguay), other than checking Uruguay you can also check music of Argentina, Chile and Brazil. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

"El Choclo" (Spanish: meaning "The Corn Cob") is a popular song written by Ángel Villoldo, an Argentine musician. Allegedly written in honour of and taking its title from the nickname of the proprietor of a nightclub, who was known as "El Choclo". It is one of the most popular tangos in Argentina. This version is by Rene Marino Rivero famous bandoneon player from Uruguay.

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