The Bauls of Bengal - Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar

The Bauls of Bengal
Song Name: Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar
By: The Bauls of Bengal
Country: India
Song Local Name: Not available
Album: The Bauls of Bengal
Link to buy: iTunes
Genre: Indian folk music , traditional music of India , Indian folk music , bauls of bengal , Indian street music
Date Added: 11 Nov 2016
John Lee

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Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar by The Bauls of Bengal is part of folk music tradition in/by India. Folk Music of India is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar (or folk music of India), other than checking India you can also check music of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Suriname. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

The Bauls of Bengal refers to the street music in India. Mostly they are known for spiritual singing and reside in Hindu and Muslim communities of Bengal. They are people without title. Name of this song is Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar.

Song: Ki Die Pujibo Hari Cahrana Tomar
Artist: The Bauls of Bengal
Album: The Bauls of Bengal

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