Dino Franco e Mouraí - Caboclo In The City

Dino Franco e Mouraí
Song Name: Caboclo In The City
By: Dino Franco e Mouraí ( Dino Franco e Mouraí )
Country: Brazil
Song Local Name: Caboclo na Cidade
Album: No Rancho da Boa Paz
Link to buy: Not available
Genre: folk music of Brazil , Brazilian folk music , traditional music of Brazil , Moda de Viola
Date Added: 11 Aug 2019
Yuri Bonilha

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Caboclo In The City by Dino Franco e Mouraí is part of folk music tradition in/by Brazil. Folk Music of Brazil is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Caboclo In The City (or folk music of Brazil), other than checking Brazil you can also check music of Angola, Czech Republic and Austria. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Dino Franco e Mouraí foi uma dupla sertaneja brasileira.

A canção Caboclo na Cidade é uma moda de viola que conta a angústia de um caboclo que vai morar na cidade e se arrepende. O homem relembra com nostalgia sua vida no campo e a tranquilidade que vivia. Ao ir para cidade se sente infeliz, vê sua filha e sua esposa aderirem a moda da cidade, o que lhe parte o coração. Ao fim, ele sonha ainda em poder voltar para seu rancho no interior.


Dino Franco e Mouraí was a brazilian country duo.

The song Caboclo na Cidade is a moda de viola that tells the anguish of a caboclo who will live in the city and regret it. The man remembers with nostalgia his life in the countryside and the tranquility he lived. When he goes to the city he is unhappy, sees his daughter and his wife adhere to the city's fashion, which breaks his heart. In the end, he still dreams of being able to return to his ranch inside.

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