Edmundo Zaldívar - Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño)

Edmundo Zaldívar
Song Name: Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño)
By: Edmundo Zaldívar ( Edmundo Zaldívar )
Country: Argentina
Song Local Name: Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño)
Album: El Humauaqueño
Link to buy: Discogs
Genre: Argentinian folk music , traditional music of Argentina , Andina , Carnavalito
Date Added: 22 Aug 2019
Yuri Bonilha

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Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño) by Edmundo Zaldívar is part of folk music tradition in/by Argentina. Folk Music of Argentina is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with Carnavalito (El Humahuaqueño) (or folk music of Argentina), other than checking Argentina you can also check music of Uruguay and Chile. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Edmundo Porteño Zaldívar, (Palermo, Buenos Aires, 9 de octubre de 1917 - Buenos Aires 7 de febrero de 1978), fue un guitarrista y compositor argentino.

La obra se transformó en un himno para el pueblo jujeño que desde 1982 celebra todos los 7 de febrero el Día del Carnavalito en homenaje al autor.

Edmundo Porteño Zaldivar was a guitarist and Argentine composer best known as the author of carnavalito The Humahuaqueño , among other works.

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