Los Tigres Del Norte - La Granja

Los Tigres Del Norte
Song Name: La Granja
By: Los Tigres Del Norte ( Los Tigres Del Norte )
Country: Mexico
Song Local Name: La Granja
Album: La Granja
Link to buy: AllMusic
Genre: folk music of Mexico , traditional music of Mexico , Mexican folk music , Norteño
Date Added: 22 Aug 2019
Yuri Bonilha
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La Granja by Los Tigres Del Norte is part of folk music tradition in/by Mexico. Folk Music of Mexico is traditionally brother to some other region(s) in the world. If you want to listen to song(s) in the same genre or with the same root with La Granja (or folk music of Mexico), other than checking Mexico you can also check music of South America. From the top menu, first choose the desired region and then find the link from the map or country list.

Los Tigres del Norte es un grupo de música regional mexicana, especializado en el estilo del Norteño. Es una de las agrupaciones más reconocidas del género, debido a su larga trayectoria y a sus éxitos a nivel de la comunidad mexicana en la diáspora. También tienen canciones de corrido, ballada, ranchera y cumbia norteña.

La canción La Granja habla de una Granja común, pero, en un sentido figurado, es referida como hablando del govierno de México y políticos, corrupción y narcotráfico. El grupo acusa el govierno de censurar la canción.
Los Tigres del Norte is a Mexican regional music group, specialized in the Norteño style. It is one of the most recognized groups of the genre, due to its long history and its successes at the level of the Mexican community in the diaspora. They also have songs of corrido, ballada, ranchera and northern cumbia.

The song La Granja speaks of a common Farm, but, in a figurative sense, it is referred to as talking about the Mexican government and politicians, corruption and drug trafficking. The group accuses the government of censoring the song.

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